Temple of Travel

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So many people wish to travel when they have stress, need to reflect or want to enjoy themselves. Traveling serves certain functions which are hard to achieve in our every day surrounding. Functions such as getting to know new cultures and people, changing perspective, getting inspired, adventure or maybe even just the feeling of warm sun on your skin. Nevertheless I believe, that some of those desires could also be fulfilled without having to leave the continent. Think for example about a Temple of Travel, which creates many different spatial situations which can be explored and shared with people. It can be as simple as a house with many rooms in which the atmosphere, the architecture, the music, the people, the functions or even the temperature change from space to space. In Eindhoven’s centre there was a squatted office building ones which is now a ruin. Before the building got dismantled there was a huge party for four days. Many rooms had a complete different vibe. There was one room completely filled with speakers for example and one which was like a turkish teahouse with tons of pillows and textile hanging from the ceiling, in one there was nothing else then a drum set and in yet another one there was water on the floor and water toys. Exploring the building and meeting the people felt like a travel in it’s own and fulfilled many of the functions named above. Different cities could have different temples, inviting the a diverse range of people from different cultures to fill it in with much artistic freedom.


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