Second Self

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Masquerade plays a big role in many religions. With getting out of your own personality, you can reflect on it. Many of the friends I interviewed said, that they sometimes would like to be somebody else, an alter ego, which they don’t have a platform for. You should think that our longing for individuality should promote that, but in fact, having multiple personalities count as weakness. It is perceived admirable to develop a strong ‘self’ with full conviction and no doubt. In the interviews people said though that they would sometimes wish to be more vulnerable, more outgoing, or a hunter or secret agent for example. It would be interesting to imagine that people would accept the creation of a second self in all day live. It just needs a swift change of mindset.






Now read this

New Saints

Why not create saints according to our measurements of being a good person. With giving them a place in our all day lives like depictions or on prayer cards we can remember the values we want to achieve for ourselves, like modesty, being... Continue →